Whether we've known you for a minute or for a lifetime, you are no stranger here...
Have you ever failed to accomplish your goal(s)? Have you ever let yourself off the hook? Did you find you didn't hold yourself accountable and then you mentally beat yourself up about it?
Well, not anymore! You've got your sisters here with you; who love you, will raise you up, and celebrate your victories with you! Sister, YOU are NOT alone! Together, we will achieve more!
We, at The Sisterhood Coaching, want to see you succeed in every way possible, which is why we offer packages to meet you where you are and where you desire to grow.
Wellness is the gateway to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual transformation that leads to your optional performance in health.
We offer one-on-one accountability and life coaching for your physical and emotional well-being.
Our job is to:
Help you set ACHIEVABLE and REALISTIC goals
Help you be accountable for MEETING those goals
Build your CONFIDENCE by providing you the skills necessary to shift your MINDSET to say, "YES, I CAN!"
6 week "Inspired" course- $399
Get Coach Stacie and Francie for a beginning, mid, and ending 1 on 1 coaching sessions (that is 3 sessions!), and access to all the material and worksheets to help you reach and achieve your goals!
Perhaps you are short on time, or tend to take a more individual approach (but we still are here for you whenever you need us!), and you like cute booklets or online tools! This is the course for you!
12 week "Motivated" course- $899
Get WEEKLY 1 on 1 sessions with Coach Stacie and/or Coach Francie as they work with you specifically to address your goals, create plans to inspire and motivate you to be your best version of yourself, work with you to face your fears and gain that confidence, and be your own personal cheerleaders throughout the duration of your time with them.
You will have access to all the material and worksheets, as well as receive your own printed daily self-esteem journal.
Bonus- upon completion, you'll receive your own "Sisterhood" pendant to wear as a reminder for amazing work done to change your life for the positive!